Private Privacy

To protect personal information, interests and rights of the users and to handle the inconveniences of users in relation to personal information in accordance with Personal Information Protection Act, EYEWEARKOREA Co.,Ltd. sets Privacy Policy as follows. In case of revision on Privacy Policy, the Company will post a notification (or notify separately).

1. Purpose of Personal Information Processing

EYEWEARKOREA processes personal information for the following purposes. The processed personal information is used only for the following purposes. In case of changes on purpose of use, the Company will ask for the consent in advance.

- To provide membership information, EYEWEARKOREA collects name, contact, and e-mail address information and uses above information until withdrawal of membership.
- We collect face data through user consent to virtually fit glasses to the user's face. The collected data is used for the user to virtually fit the glasses, and to reduce the hassle of re-photographing the user's face for virtual fitting, the user's face data is stored for 1 week, and the face data is stored for 1 week if not used for 1 week. is deleted.

2. Period of Personal Information Processing and Retention

① EYEWEARKOREA processes and preserves personal information within the period of personal information retention and usage in accordance with legislations or within the period of personal information and usage agreed upon collecting the personal information from the user.

② Detailed period on processing and retention of personal information is as follows.

- Membership : Until withdrawing from membership.
- Face data: If the user reuses or does not use it for one week, the data is deleted

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

EYEWEARKOREA provides corporate or personal information to Third Party as follows.
- Recipient: Intervision Co., Ltd. (+82-53-981-3070)
- Purpose of provision: outsourcing APP maintenance
- Provided items: name, contact information, e-mail address
- Retention and use period: Until membership withdrawal or service termination

4. Rights of User and Legal Representative and Method of Exercise

User may exercise following rights as the personal information subject.

① Information subject may exercise the rights of access, revision, deletion, and process suspension on personal information to EYEWEARKOREA at any time. ② The rights in Paragraph 1 can be exercised in writing, e-mail, and FAX in accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 41 of Enforcement Ordinance of Personal Information Protection Act and EYEWEARKOREA will handle the matter immediately.
③ The rights in Paragraph 1 can be exercised by an agent including the legal representative of information subject or a person entrusted by the information subject. In this case, the information subject needs to submit a power of attorney in accordance with Format No.11, Annex, Enforcement Regulation of Personal Information Protection Act.
④ In case of a request on access to personal information and suspension of information processing, the rights of information subject may be restricted in accordance with Paragraph 5 of Article 35 and Paragraph 2 of Article 37, Personal Information Protection Act.
⑤ In case of a request on revision and deletion of personal information, the user may not request on deleting the personal information if other legislations specify it as personal information to be collected.
⑥ In case of a request on accessing to, revising or deleting, or suspending the processing of personal information under the rights of information subject, EYEWEARKOREA checks on whether such request is made by the information subject or a legitimate agent.

5. Personal Information Item to be Processed and Its Collection Method

EYEWEARKOREA processes following personal information items.
① Name, contact information, e-mail address
- Collection method: membership registration
② Face data
- Collection method: Face capture by users who have passed consent among the virtual fitting users

6. Disposal of Personal Information

① EYEWEARKOREA immediately disposes the personal information after expiration of the retention period or accomplishment of the purpose of processing the personal information.

② EYEWEARKOREA disposes of the personal information in following methods.

-Disposal Procedure
After accomplishing the purpose, the personal information provided by the user is transferred to a separate database (separate document in case of paper) and stored for a certain period or gets disposed of immediately in accordance with the Company’s policies or other related legislations. The personal information transferred to database is not used for other purposes unless otherwise required by the law .
-Period of Disposal
After expiration of the personal information retention period, the Company disposes of the personal information within 5 days of expiration date. When personal information is not needed anymore for reasons including accomplishment of purpose of processing personal information, end of service, and closing of business, the Company disposes of the personal information within 5 days from the date of acknowledging.
-Method of Disposal
In case of personal information in electronic file formats, the personal information is disposed by using a technical method that prevents reproducing the record.

7. Measures Taken for Securing Safety of Personal Information

To secure safety of personal information, EYEWEARKOREA takes following measures.

- Administrative Measures : Establishment and exercise of internal management plan, regular education on staff and employees
- Technical Measures : Management of access to personal information including setting a password for personal information processing system (or computer where personal information is saved), installation of security programs including vaccine software, and encryption of personal information file
- Physical Measures : Control access to place where personal information is saved or stored

8. Installation and Operation of Automatic Personal Information Collection System and Disagreement to Such System

① To provide a customized service for each user, EYEWEARKOREA uses ‘Cookie’ that saves and loads use information.

② Cookie is the small amount of information sent from the service (http) used to website operation to a computer browser and cookie is also saved on the hard disk of the user’s computer.

A. Purpose of Using Cookie : Cookie is used to identify each service and website that user visited, using pattern, popular search word, and secure connection status and to provide the optimized information to the user.
B. Installation and Operation of Cookie and Disagreement : To disagree on cookie saving, go to Tool on the top of web browser, Internet Option, Personal Information Menu, and Settings.
C. If you disagree to cookie saving, you may be restricted in using the customized service.

9. Staff in Charge of Personal Information Protection

EYEWEARKOREA appoints a staff in charge of personal information protection as follows. The staff is in charge of overall affairs related to personal information processing, handles complaints of information subject related to personal information processing, and takes measures for damage relief.

Name : Yeji Heo
Position : Staff
Department : Information Business Team
Direct Line Number : 053-350-7859
E-Mail :

In case of any inquiries on protection of personal information, complains, and matters regarding damage relief in using the service (or business) of EYEWEARKOREA, please contact the staff in charge of personal information protection and department in charge. EYEWEARKOREA will answer and handle the inquiries of information subject immediately.